May is a crazy month for all who have chosen the field of education. Kids be cray. But I made it through my second year of teaching small humans unscathed. Thank ya, Jesus.

So far, June has been no less crazy. We took our teenagers to PCB for a joint youth camp with Iron City Baptist. Seeing our teenagers respond to the truths of Scripture is nothing short of amazing. They truly understood the depth of the passages read from Philippians throughout the week. Plus, I just love spending time getting to know our girls on a deeper level. We also got to see our favorite family band, the Housleys, play amazing music during the worship services.

June 11th was our 1st anniversary. We spent the week before traveling from Flagstaff, to Sedona, to Phoenix and seeing some of the most amazing sites we've ever seen. This was Ben's first time out west. He'd never seen the Grand Canyon, and his reaction when he did was priceless. I love doing new things with him! We had many adventures: hiking into the Canyon, eating at In-and-Out and Del Taco, exploring the ruins at Montezuma's Well and Castle, watching a Diamondbacks game fo' free, visiting giant craters, falling over a waterfall at Fossil Creek, etc.

From Sedona, we drove to Phoenix for the Southern Baptist Convention, where we stayed through Thursday. I must admit, the SBC was more interesting than I thought it would be. There were some awesome preachers and so many brothers and sisters in Christ joining together in worship. It was truly inspiring. Plus quality time with the Snyders is always a good time.

The Monday after we got home, we had the BBQ Sale, a huge fundraiser for Student Ministry. We made over $8,000 profit in just a week, "but at a terrible price..." Sorry, Harry Potter reference. It wasn't that terrible. My hair did smell like BBQ for a week, but we got to spend time with our teenagers and their parents which makes it all worth it in the end.

After all that, you'd expect us to rest, right? Wrong again, we had a full weekend of helping the Housleys renovate their new (old) house and being among our faith family. Also, after last night, we are now attempting to get a $3,000 air purifier for free. Just pray, people.

With all the craziness that is my life, I seriously wouldn't trade it for the world. I admit I get stressed out, but God has placed the right people in my path to calm and encourage me, and for that I'm thankful. Lord, help me not take them for granted.

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