
Showing posts from May, 2021


 Wednesday, May 19 Surgery Day 6:00 AM Ben and I left the house heading to Birmingham. We were supposed to be there by 8:30 AM for check-in and pre-op procedures. We got there a half hour early and got called back shortly after. The nurse got me settled and as comfortable as one can be in those awful gowns and socks. After about an hour in holding, the nurses came back to start my IV and discuss my medical history.  If you want to see the bruise from said IV, be warned. It's pretty wicked.  Finally, around 11:30 AM, they came to roll me to the OR, and of course, I don't remember much after that until I woke up in recovery. When I got back to the room, Ben was waiting to tell me what Dr. Bouknight had told him. The polyps were smaller and there were fewer than before. She remains optimistic for our retrieval cycle and will continue to monitor for a potential transfer, whether fresh or frozen.  Thursday, May 20 Post-Op Day 1 The day after my surgery I was back at work. I know wha


Today, we went for our final consult before officially beginning our IVF cycle. After bloodwork, a trial transfer, and a water ultrasound, we learned that my polyps have grown back. Dr. Bouknight wants to remove these again before proceeding with a transfer.  This obviously isn't the news we were hoping to hear. It has been almost a year since my first hysteroscopy, and they've already grown back. Will I have to have this surgery before each transfer in the future? These polyps seem to be recurring, which is what our doctor said last year. Some women are just "prone to polyps." That familiar, sinking disappointment met us in the ultrasound room like an old acquaintance who always shows up at the wrong time.  Once again I'm left questioning – "well, why me?" But I can't live there. God has us in this time and these circumstances for a reason. I know He is teaching me to fully rely on Him for my joy and peace. We are going ahead with the procedure on W


  There hasn’t been much development over here, but we just wanted to give a little update. We are officially on the schedule for a June IVF treatment. I have spoken with the IVF nurse, Michelle, several times over the past few weeks to get our final consult on the books and meds ordered. I will be getting a calendar in the next week or so.  Side note : I appreciate that I’m able to talk to the same nurse every time. She is very nice and helpful! We have an appointment scheduled for May 17th. That is when we will proceed with payment and sign paperwork. She also wanted to go ahead with bloodwork and a water ultrasound.   Now, just a little background, we started the process of IVF at the end of July last year. When we got to this point, Dr. Bouknight discovered that I had several polyps in my uterus and recommended laparoscopic surgery to remove them. We did that in August of 2020, and she removed 8 polyps. We were hoping that would solve our infertility issues, but ours, like so many