
Showing posts from 2021


 Our last update was not the one we wanted to give.  There have been many encouraging developments since then, and we wanted to update you all so you can help us pray.  The IVF nurse, Dawn, called a few days after the embryo update to tell us we could do a frozen embryo transfer (FET) at the end of July. She called later to tell us we would be able to transfer a week before we had been told. We will be transferring one of our embryos around 1:20 PM on July 19th. The hope is that this little embryo will begin to implant into the uterine lining and grow into a successful pregnancy. Many couples who undergo fertility treatments like IVF or IUI choose to adopt a purposefully positive state of mind until the first pregnancy test, so I will be pregnant until proven otherwise (PUPO). After nine days of trying to distract myself, I will go in for a blood test to check for the pregnancy hormone hCG. Higher than normal levels of hCG will confirm that the FET was successful and that I am pregnant


Hello everyone. Ben here. We wanted to give you an update about our IVF journey.  Let's back up a bit... After Monday's retrieval, our doctor called Shelby on Tuesday to tell us that 13 of the 20 eggs fertilized. We were overjoyed! I was in Nashville for the Southern Baptist Convention. Shelby's voice was so full of hope when she called me!  We waited all week on our next update. Yesterday our doctor called during the rain/power outage. In the weirdest turn of events yet, I was taking a shower in the rain because our water ran out. That's living on a well for you. Shelby's face said it all- what a strange way to hear this news! Our doctor told us that 6 of the 13 did not make it. Of the 7 remaining, one looked great and the other 6 were still developing. She promised us that she'd call back today with more information. She called about an hour ago as I write this.  We have two embryos in the freezer. One is graded "fair" and one is graded "poor.&q


 Today was egg retrieval day! Before I give all the details, let me backtrack to our last two appointments.  Friday, June 11 We have been married for 5 years, and what better way to celebrate than trying to make a baby! Just getting started with the IVF humor over here, people. We had an 8:40 appointment that morning that went very well. The nurse counted 21 follicles that were mature or would be by Monday. We left feeling very encouraged by that! After that, we went to what is becoming a new favorite breakfast place, Maple Street Biscuit Company. If you know Ben you know he loves a good breakfast bread, particularly biscuits. I am also a fan of their chicken. 10/10 would recommend! The nurse called later that afternoon to review lab results and to schedule our last monitoring appointment for the following day.  Saturday, June 12 Our appointment was one of the first on the schedule, so we had to be there at 7:15 AM. With an hour and a half drive, that had us leaving by 5:30 AM... How


 Hello and welcome to another episode of IVF for Beginners. On today's episode... shots Left to Right: Gonal-F, Menopur, and Lupron. Also, featuring my medication tool box and Stay Positive candle from my friend, Cameron. Friday, June 4 Ben and I had started to consider ourselves pros at giving and/or receiving Lupron shots nightly. Then, the stims were introduced.  Stims : follicle stimulating hormone injections; most commonly Gonal-F and Menopur  Gonal-F is a prefilled pen that you dial your dosage. I had a prescription for 300 units of Gonal-F for my last IUI, so I was already familiar with its administration. Menopur was a new one for me. It is a powder that must be mixed with a solvent before it is used. Besides having a minor panic attack at the length of the Menopur needle, there was a burning sensation for which I was not prepared. It only lasted a few seconds, but man, I wish someone had told me. These three shots will continue to be administered each night until the egg r


 Tuesday, June 1, 2021 Hey folks! It's Ben. Shelby wanted me to "guest blog" tonight.  We've had a busy stretch of days in the Curlee household. Shelby finished school on Thursday and had a PD day on Friday. Then, as soon as we possibly could, we left out for Orange Beach. Friday also marked one week doing Lupron shots every night at 9:45.  Most nights I prepare the shot, then we each administer the shot on alternating nights. I am thankful Shelby feels comfortable enough to let me be involved in this part of our journey. It is hard to adequately put into words how this IVF process feels. One day we are excited and just can't wait for retrieval.  The next day we might wrestle with anxiety over any one of the numerous factors that are under examination by our doctor.  Our time with family has been a needed encouragement. The Lord in His providence aligned our family vacation perfectly with our IVF calendar. God always knows what we need! Even though we had to leave


 Wednesday, May 19 Surgery Day 6:00 AM Ben and I left the house heading to Birmingham. We were supposed to be there by 8:30 AM for check-in and pre-op procedures. We got there a half hour early and got called back shortly after. The nurse got me settled and as comfortable as one can be in those awful gowns and socks. After about an hour in holding, the nurses came back to start my IV and discuss my medical history.  If you want to see the bruise from said IV, be warned. It's pretty wicked.  Finally, around 11:30 AM, they came to roll me to the OR, and of course, I don't remember much after that until I woke up in recovery. When I got back to the room, Ben was waiting to tell me what Dr. Bouknight had told him. The polyps were smaller and there were fewer than before. She remains optimistic for our retrieval cycle and will continue to monitor for a potential transfer, whether fresh or frozen.  Thursday, May 20 Post-Op Day 1 The day after my surgery I was back at work. I know wha


Today, we went for our final consult before officially beginning our IVF cycle. After bloodwork, a trial transfer, and a water ultrasound, we learned that my polyps have grown back. Dr. Bouknight wants to remove these again before proceeding with a transfer.  This obviously isn't the news we were hoping to hear. It has been almost a year since my first hysteroscopy, and they've already grown back. Will I have to have this surgery before each transfer in the future? These polyps seem to be recurring, which is what our doctor said last year. Some women are just "prone to polyps." That familiar, sinking disappointment met us in the ultrasound room like an old acquaintance who always shows up at the wrong time.  Once again I'm left questioning – "well, why me?" But I can't live there. God has us in this time and these circumstances for a reason. I know He is teaching me to fully rely on Him for my joy and peace. We are going ahead with the procedure on W


  There hasn’t been much development over here, but we just wanted to give a little update. We are officially on the schedule for a June IVF treatment. I have spoken with the IVF nurse, Michelle, several times over the past few weeks to get our final consult on the books and meds ordered. I will be getting a calendar in the next week or so.  Side note : I appreciate that I’m able to talk to the same nurse every time. She is very nice and helpful! We have an appointment scheduled for May 17th. That is when we will proceed with payment and sign paperwork. She also wanted to go ahead with bloodwork and a water ultrasound.   Now, just a little background, we started the process of IVF at the end of July last year. When we got to this point, Dr. Bouknight discovered that I had several polyps in my uterus and recommended laparoscopic surgery to remove them. We did that in August of 2020, and she removed 8 polyps. We were hoping that would solve our infertility issues, but ours, like so many


Wait. You would think we’d be used to hearing it by now.   We spoke with the IVF nurse on Thursday and got the word that we are first on the waiting list for the May cycle. Unless someone drops off in May, we will begin IVF in June. The schedule they gave us at our first consult has the June cycle stimulation meds starting around June 4 and retrieval the week of June 14-18. We are eager to begin! We will know more specifics in the next few weeks when we are able to go for our final consult.   Once again, our timeline is not God’s timeline, but he continues to confirm His plans in our hearts and minds. With me being a teacher, the end of the school year is always hectic and would not have been the ideal time to begin hormone injections and have surgery. I am thankful His plans are better than mine.   The Lord further affirmed His will for us this morning when we gathered for worship with our faith family. Ben preached in Philippians 3 using for a thought “A Singular Response to Grace”.


Our journey began on April 8, 2021 with a consultation with our fertility specialist, Dr. Janet Bouknight. Waiting in the consult room, I couldn't help but feel the weight of everything we were about to hear. Ben and I came in with our research done and a list of questions, but when the doctor came in, I broke down. Thankfully, she is used to the emotions that go along with the IVF process.   After an hour of information overload , we were ready to give our consent. Here are the highlights:  Follicle stimulation with injectables Egg retrieval surgery Fresh embryo transfer or cryopreservation Frozen embryo transfer Dr. Bouknight is very optimistic about our case. She thinks with proper stimulation, we could get 20 eggs. Usually about half of the eggs will be mature enough to fertilize. Fertilization will be the major catalyst for us. She recommended we use ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) for fertilization. From there we will wait 5 days to see how many fertilized eggs will m