There hasn’t been much development over here, but we just wanted to give a little update. We are officially on the schedule for a June IVF treatment. I have spoken with the IVF nurse, Michelle, several times over the past few weeks to get our final consult on the books and meds ordered. I will be getting a calendar in the next week or so. 

Side note: I appreciate that I’m able to talk to the same nurse every time. She is very nice and helpful!

We have an appointment scheduled for May 17th. That is when we will proceed with payment and sign paperwork. She also wanted to go ahead with bloodwork and a water ultrasound. 

Now, just a little background, we started the process of IVF at the end of July last year. When we got to this point, Dr. Bouknight discovered that I had several polyps in my uterus and recommended laparoscopic surgery to remove them. We did that in August of 2020, and she removed 8 polyps. We were hoping that would solve our infertility issues, but ours, like so many others, is just a case of unexplained infertility. We trust that the Lord’s timing is perfect for our family. 

With that being said, it is a bit nerve-racking to think that we’ve come this far in our journey and an ultrasound could put it all on pause again. What if the polyps have grown back? 

IVF is such a gut-wrenching process. The waiting, the wondering, the questioning. Fear of the unknown has always been so real in my life. I ask the Lord daily for His peace that surpasses my own understanding. I’m glad He is in control and not me. 

Ben and I covet your prayers during this time. We are so thankful for those who continue to pour out encouragement and support. 

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