It's been over a week since my last post, to my shame. I seem to have left my precedence for posting back in Spring Break. A lot has happened over the past week. I'll just share a few of my favorite moments.

March 24, 2017
Last weekend, I was able to spend time with my college bestie and sorority sister, Ashley. She came all the way from Tuscaloosa to spend the weekend with us! She's so much fun to be around. She's a loud, opinionated, caring people-person. My polar opposite, but that's what makes us so close. We can talk and laugh about life's circumstances or simply sit in silence for hours and be completely comfortable either way. I love her spunk and love for life and people.

We were able to go see Ben's little brother, Thomas, play in his first baseball game of the season. I love watching Thomas play! Being the older sibling of one sister, I never got the privilege of having a brother. Marrying into the Curlee family has given me two brothers, and I'm thankful for both!

March 27, 2017
Say hello to the first selfie we've taken probably since our honeymoon. We are so bad about taking pictures! But this picture comes with a funny story. You may notice that this selfie was taken outdoors. I've never been much of an "outdoorsy" person, but Ben and I have started walking our driveway a few nights a week. It's about a 1.2 mile walk. Phew! It's worth it though. Our view is amazing, and I get to talk to my cows. 

Side note: I love cows. It's a new obsession, and I'm aware that it's strange. 

Cooper, our neighbors' dog, likes to follow us on our walks. Ben tries to say he doesn't like Cooper, but we all know he's lying. Cooper's still just a puppy, so he often gets into trouble, which leads to the funny story. On our way back to the house, Cooper found a small "stream" of puddles in one of the open fields by our driveway. He proceeded to jump from puddle to puddle, splashing and drinking and having the time of this life. After taking a Cooper montage for my Snapchat story, we walked back to the house, stopping to take the selfie featured above. 

The Cooper montage continued last night when he slipped through the fence to herd the cows. He's a strange dog, but so entertaining...

March 30, 2017
This may be my favorite picture of all time. 

Being with Ben has made me keenly aware of the state of the sky. Storms, clouds, rainbows, airplanes. You name it, I've been told about it in much detail. This particular night, the lighting was perfect, the rain had just settled, and God showed up and showed out in displaying this masterpiece. 

It's amazing how quickly the sky can change, but I was able to grab this picture of one of God's most beautiful promises. It reminds us that though we face many storms in this life, He will never leave us. What a beautiful, calming thought. 

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