Today I had the privilege of preaching in my grandmother's funeral. To be honest with you, my mind is tired. We knew late last week that MawMaw was getting close to the end of her time on earth. The weekend was filled with a shower for Seth and Stephanie (they are getting married in May), preaching on Sunday, and nearly-constant thoughts about an impending funeral. 

Monday brought the news we expected- Katye Jo was likely heading home. Shelby and I cut our day short and headed to RMC. Thankfully, we were there most of the afternoon. We had just left and picked up Thomas from school when MawMaw went to glory. She died at 3:24 PM Monday afternoon. 

As much as I wanted to be there, I'm thankful that we were able to go get T. Dad and Mom were able to be with MawMaw in those last few moments. What sweet moments they were! All four of her children gathered around her bed and sang her favorite hymn- "In the Garden." As their voices sang the last notes of that old hymn, MawMaw took her last breath here and opened her eyes in the presence of our Lord Jesus! Hollywood could not have written a better script! 

We are sad tonight as we think about the sweet times we had with Katye Jo. Losing two grandparents in 8 months is not terribly easy. In spite of this, we have a peculiar peace that I cannot fully explain. The passage I read this afternoon was in 1 Thessalonians. Paul explained to those believers in Thessalonica that when Christians die, they are ushered into the presence of the Lord. Paul said that we "do not grieve as those who have no hope." We have a great and living hope in the person of Jesus Christ! 

We are confident that we will see MawMaw again one day because Jesus made that possible when he went to the cross on our behalf. Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and three days later he beat death in the grave so that we could have life with him! Indeed, "All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved." If you need peace tonight, you can find it in Jesus. 

My grandmother loved to sing and play the piano. Today, we sang for her a song we used to sing often when we would gather. The song is called "What a Meeting" and it speaks of the day we will see our loved ones again:

"What a happy day 'twill be!
What a glorious jubilee!
All of heaven will be there!
What a meeting in the air!"

We love you, MawMaw. We will see you again one day soon! 

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